The Western Australian government is seeking feedback for its expression of interest documents ahead of opening applications for its new $2.5 million defence industry grants program.
The new Defence Industry Reskilling and Upskilling Grants program is intended to support the development and uptake of new, customised, or existing education and training products aimed at meeting the Australian defence industry’s current and future workforce needs.
Funding from the program will go towards defence industry firms or peak bodies partnering with universities and WA-based registered training organisations.
These organisations are being encouraged to offer micro-credentials, accredited short courses and skill sets that cater to the defence industry’s upskilling or reskilling priorities.
Grant applications for the program will be conducted in two steps, starting with an expression of interest. Successful applicants will then be invited to provide a more detailed application.
The Defence Industry Reskilling and Upskilling Grants, administered by the Department of Training and Workforce Development, is part of the McGowan government’s $11 million package of initiatives to boost the industry’s professional and para-professional workforce.
“The McGowan Government continues to work closely with the defence sector to ensure our significant investment in defence workforce initiatives hits the mark when preparing the State to attract new defence projects over the next decade,” said Training Minister Simone McGurk.
“Before the new grants program is launched, defence industry stakeholders are being given the opportunity to preview the draft expression of interest documentation and provide feedback,” McGurk said.
Western Australia is slated to become the home of Australia’s future nuclear-powered submarine fleet, and a home for AUKUS allies in the very near future, according to Defence Industry Minister Paul Papalia.
“Our State is in line to receive billions of dollars of investment and thousands of jobs. The McGowan Government is supporting our excellent Defence industry sector as it expands to meet the exciting new opportunities on the near horizon,” the minister said.