The Western Australian government has commissioned a study into the feasibility of establishing a local wind turbine components manufacturing industry.
The study is part of WA’s efforts to diversify the economy, enhance manufacturing capabilities and create jobs of the future, the government said in a press release.
To be conducted by Aurecon, the study will look into the progress findings of previous analyses that initially examined wind farms and supply opportunities in WA.
Previous research from 2021 recommended actions to progress wind turbine manufacturing in the state, which include establishing a comprehensive approach for government trading enterprises in the energy sector. It also determined that government investment and financial assistance are critical to transitioning WA businesses to wind turbine component manufacturing.
“With one of the longest coastlines in the world, wind energy is a natural fit for WA,” said State Development, Jobs, and Trade Minister Roger Cook.
This latest feasibility is the next step of the state government’s $10 million Wind Turbine Manufacturing Initiative and is aimed at determining opportunities for WA businesses and identifying the requirements for a potential manufacturing hub.
“This study builds on our plans to invest an estimated $3.8 billion in green energy infrastructure to help cut WA Government emissions by 80 per cent below 2020 levels by 2030, and we are eager to understand the sustainable opportunities to locally manufacture turbine components,” Cook said.
The Wind Turbine Manufacturing Initiative is supported by the Local Participation in Wind Farm Supply Action Group, which represents steel manufacturers, local fabricators, and wind farm proponents.
Aurecon will work closely with industry and supply chain participants to determine the current and future demand requirements, industry participation, logistics requirements, and supply chain capacity in WA.
“Developing a wind turbine component manufacturing industry is another way the WA Government is diversifying the economy and creating additional sustainable jobs for Western Australians,” the minister added.