The WA Health and Medical Research Strategy 2023–2033 outlines the priorities and direction of health and medical research for the state to strengthen research capability across the sector, the Western Australian Department of Health announced.
The strategy, which will operate on a 10-year timeline, aims to enhance the state’s research and commercial opportunities, support researchers and align WA’s vibrant health and medical research sector to create new opportunities.
As a first for WA, the strategy identifies six priority areas including regional and remote health, Aboriginal health, precision medicine, digital health, consumer engagement and prevention.
The research strategy, which is built on WA’s strong track record of achievements in medical research, was developed in consultation with the State’s health and medical research sector.
It also focuses on translating good research into better outcomes for all Western Australians, and on growing WA’s talented research community.
Meanwhile, Medical Research Minister Stephen Dawson said The State’s goal to improve health outcomes for all communities and gain international recognition for research will be carried out through the Health and Medical Research strategy.
“It will ensure the WA health and medical research sector can focus its efforts across strategic areas and open opportunities for engagement with consumers, future investments and new ways to leverage the State’s research infrastructure,” the minister noted.