The University of Sydney has welcomed Australia’s first National Quantum Strategy launched today by Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic and Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley.
In a news release, the university stated that it is looking forward to collaborating with the Australian Government to fulfil the potential of quantum technologies and be at the forefront of developing the country’s quantum future.
“It is heartening to see such an ambitious strategy for quantum technologies,” said Professor Emma Johnston, the university’s deputy vice-chancellor for research.
“Combined with continued and deepening investment in fundamental research through the Australian Research Council and other government initiatives, this can deliver a positive platform to deliver Australia’s quantum future,” noted Johnston.
Professor Stephen Bartlett, head of the University of Sydney Quantum Theory Group and associate dean in the Faculty of Science, said it is critical that the government continues its strong investment in fundamental quantum science research alongside the National Quantum Strategy announced today.
Bartlett stated, “Delivering on the promise of quantum computing still requires us to tackle big open challenges in basic science and engineering.”
“That’s why the University of Sydney is investing in the Future Qubit Foundry. Tomorrow’s quantum computers will use qubits that are yet to be invented” the professor added.
In 2020, the University played a key role in the establishment of the Sydney Quantum Academy, a collaboration between four Sydney universities and the NSW Government.
The Future Qubit Foundry will be established within the Sydney Nanoscience Hub thanks to an investment of $7.4 million made this year by the University of Sydney to extend its quantum technology infrastructure.
With the help of this foundry, quantum computers of the future will be able to work on a large scale and serve the needs of society, the university revealed.
Furthermore, in order to create an Australian quantum technology ecosystem, research universities will play a crucial role, as is explained in the National Quantum Strategy.
To transform their scientific discoveries into the quantum industry of the future, the university said its researchers will keep pushing the boundaries of quantum science while collaborating with both their current and potential future business partners.