The Impacts of Digital Technologies on Supply Chain Sustainability

Community Message

You have been contacted by Swinburne University of Technology to participate in an important study on Supply Chain Sustainability. Your organization has been selected from the Australian Manufacturing for your excellent practices. Therefore, your participation will provide us with extremely valuable input that will enhance the results of this study.

Supply chain management is strategic for sustainable development, which refers not only to environmental benefits, but also economic and operational advantage. It has been suggested that a firm cannot claim to be sustainable unless its supply chain operations are also sustainable. Thus, this study pretends to clarify how supply chain management can affect positively environmental and economic performance and thus provide managers with an effective implementation path for their environmental efforts. Further, as a current topical issue, this research will explore how digital technologies can contribute to more sustainable outcomes at a supply chain level. How Digital Technologies Enhance Sustainability Performance?”

Completion of the questionnaire is completely anonymous and voluntary, and you are free to withdraw at any point if you no longer want to participate. The electronic questionnaire has been designed and timed to be completed in 10-15 minutes, which can be found in the following link:

In return for your co-operation, you have the opportunity to select one of the following three bushfire relief fundraisers and we would contribute $10 on your behalf:

    • NSW Rural Fire Service
    • Kangaroo Island Bushfires and Recovery
    • Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund

If you have any question or comments about this study, please do not hesitate to contact us: 

Dr Roberto Chavez
Dr Hadi Ghaderi
Dr Mohsin Malik

Faculty of Business and Law– Swinburne University of Technology

If you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this project, you can contact:

Research Ethics Officer, Swinburne Research (H68),
Swinburne University of Technology, P O Box 218, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Tel (03) 9214 5218 or +61 3 9214 5218 or

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