Australian researchers use quantum computer to observe 100-billionth-speed slow-mo
A team of scientists at the University of Sydney have successfully demonstrated the potential of quantum technology in exploring new designs in material science, drugs, or solar energy harvesting by slowing down a process critical in chemical reactions by a factor of 100 billion times.
AML3D reports positive full year results as its focus shifts to US industrial manufacturers
Metal additive manufacturing company AML3D Limited has reported strong results in earnings for the full year ended 30 June, highlighting US Defence revenues of over $6 million.
SPEE3D tapped to bring cold spray additive manufacturing tech to the US Naval Postgraduate...
Victoria-based additive manufacturing company SPEE3D has teamed up with the Consortium for Additive Manufacturing Research and Education (CAMRE) to bolster the adoption of metal-based additive manufacturing to support the US Tri-Service Maritime forces, which includes the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
IperionX wins R&D 100 award for its titanium manufacturing process
IperionX has won the prestigious R&D 100 award for its innovative Hydrogen Assisted Metallothermic Reduction (HAMR) technology – a low-cost and sustainable process for producing high-value titanium metal powder.
Titomic secures cold spray system order from French Ministry of the Armed Forces
Metal additive manufacturing company Titomic Limited announced the receipt of a purchase order from the French Ministry of the Armed Forces for a D523 low-pressure cold spray system.
Guarda Systems introduces dust suppression technology to protect construction workers
Guarda Systems, a manufacturer of environmental health and safety solutions, has successfully demonstrated the capability of its water and vacuum dust suppression system designed for the building and construction industry.
Putting the P in ERP to help fabricated metals manufacturers improve the efficiency of...
With the global Metal Fabrication sector expected to grow globally at seven to ten per cent annually until at least 2032, many manufacturers are beginning to address what some are calling "The elephant in the room - Planning!
University of Southern Queensland researcher awarded $1m to develop thermoelectric energy harvesting tech
A researcher from the University of Southern Queensland has secured $1 million in funding through the 2023 Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowships scheme to develop a new generation of high-performance thermoelectric energy harvesting technology.
Swinburne unveils $5.2m supercomputer to bolster high impact research in Australia
Swinburne University of Technology has launched a $5.2 million supercomputer that will enable academics and collaborators across Australia to conduct innovative space technology, health, and environmental research.
NAVSEA enhances USS Bataan readiness with new 3D printing capability
The crew of the USS Bataan (LHD 5) has recently completed the first metal 3D part fabrication and replacement for a de-ballast air compressor (DBAC) in only five days utilising a permanently installed metal 3D printer, with the help of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA).