Tasmanian company PFG has secured a contract to supply three 12.6 metre ultra-modern high-speed vessels to the Royal New Zealand Navy.
The Hobart-based manufacturer – which recently won a $600,000 loan from the Tasmanian Government to construct an 11-metre High-Density Polyethylene prototype vessel for the Department of Defence – has secured the contract for ‘The Sentinel’ tactical watercraft, the latest generation of fast, sophisticated, and durable sea boats.
Classed as a ‘Littoral Manoeuvre Craft’, the initial three ‘Sentinels’ will increase New Zealand’s capabilities in expeditionary reconnaissance, mine counter measures, ship to shore and inter-island transport, as well as logistic material transfer operations.
Tasmania’s Minister for Advanced Manufacturing and Defence Industries Jeremy Rockliff said ‘The Sentinel’ marked the company’s first major foray into the defence arena.
“Following in the ANZAC tradition, it is fantastic to have one of our most innovative Tasmanian companies working so closely with our cross-Tasman neighbours in defence-related activity,” the Minister stated.
“PFG has been perfecting this vessel for 25 years, with more than 100 custom-built and fully tailored vessels already in operation with law enforcement and emergency response organisations, including Tasmania Police, Queensland Police and the Western Australian Department of Fire and Emergency Services.”