The Hon Martin Ferguson AM, Chairman of the Board of the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) announced the appointment of Tania Constable PSM as CO2CRC’s new Chief Executive at the opening of CO2CRC’s annual research symposium in Torquay, Victoria.

“CO2CRC is fortunate to have attracted such high calibre interest. Ms Constable’s knowledge and experience of Australia’s resources sector, her relationships with key stakeholders and understanding of the public sector will ensure CO2CRC’s continued relevance as it moves into its next five-year program of research. CO2CRC has an international reputation as a leader in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. Under Ms Constable’s stewardship, the organisation will build on this through its commitment to research excellence and development of improved methodologies and cheaper processes,” Mr Ferguson said.
“The widespread and accelerated deployment of CCS is essential to reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuels if we are to achieve the International Energy Agency’s 2oC scenario. It is important work that, to succeed, will require ongoing international cooperation and collaboration and commitments from government and industry. I look forward to meeting this challenge,” Ms Constable said.
Ms Constable will replace outgoing CEO Dr Richard Aldous who spent three years with the organisation and will take up the role in early 2015.
“Richard leaves the organisation having secured funding for the next five years, which is a significant achievement indeed. He has successfully steered CO2CRC through some difficult and uncertain times, allowing the researchers to focus on enhancing CCS as an essential part of Australia’s low-carbon future,” Mr Ferguson said.
According to the media release, Ms Constable is currently a chief adviser in the Commonwealth Treasury and has extensive experience as a senior executive in the Australian Public Service, including over 20 years in various industry and resources portfolio positions.
CO2CRC is one of the leading collaborative research organisations in the world focusing on carbon dioxide capture and geological sequestration (geosequestration, carbon dioxide capture and storage, carbon capture and storage, or CCS).
CO2CRC is a joint venture comprising participants from Australian and global industry, universities and other research bodies from Australia and New Zealand, and Australian Commonwealth, State and international government agencies.
The organisation gets resources from the Federal Government Cooperative Research Centres Program, other Federal and State Government programs, CO2CRC participants, and wider industry.