Tag: research
Aussie researchers develop game-changing AI for drug screening
Australian researchers, led by Monash University, have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) tool poised to transform virtual screening in early-stage drug discovery.
Businesses boost AI investment, embrace new IT architecture, research reveals
Companies across Australia and New Zealand are increasing their investments in artificial intelligence (AI), recognising it as a key driver of growth and innovation, according to a new survey commissioned by Schneider Electric.
Ai Group reveals soaring demand for technical and trade skills in 2024
Ai Group's Centre for Education and Training (CET) has released survey data revealing that technicians and trades workers are in high demand and increasingly difficult to find.
Researchers debut chip-based 3D printer
Researchers from MIT and the University of Texas at Austin have unveiled what they claim as the world's first chip-based 3D printer, enabling a new era of portable, rapid, and customised object creation.
Concrete innovations poised to solve national challenges – UNSW Sydney
Around 70 per cent of the world's population resides in structures made of concrete, making it the second most used material in construction after water, UNSW Sydney researchers said in a news release.
Researchers unlock key to more effective vaccines
Researchers from the Centenary Institute and the University of Sydney have made a breakthrough in vaccine science by uncovering new insights into delta inulin, a crucial vaccine component.
Colour-changing meat labels to replace use-by dates, reducing food waste
Patches that change colour to indicate the freshness of raw meat in sealed refrigerated products could soon hit supermarket shelves, making it easier for shoppers to determine if their meat is still good to eat and helping to reduce food waste.
CRA commends 2024 budget’s push for Australian innovation and research
In the latest Federal Budget for 2024, Cooperative Research Australia (CRA) has expressed its satisfaction with the government's emphasis on enhancing Australia's scientific and technological prowess.
End Food Waste Australia applauds senate inquiry’s push for nationwide food waste action
End Food Waste Australia has voiced its endorsement of the recommendations advocating accelerated nationwide action against food wastage, as outlined in the report by the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices.
NSW gov’t launches $160M medical research program
The New South Wales (NSW) Government announced a $160 million medical research initiative, signalling a quest for advancements in healthcare.