Thursday, December 19, 2024
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Graphene – the 21st century material

Graphite is a type of coal, crystallized carbon with a widespread use across many industries. It’s used for manufacturing pencils, batteries, electrodes, as a...

Large scale manufacturing of synthetic organs could address problem of long transplant lists

Harvard Bioscience is ramping up its production of synthetic tracheas to supply clinical trials with the highly experimental technology which is slowly moving from...

Trade department to begin new research to aid Australian exporters

Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb has launched a new detailed research with the purpose of pin-pointing the obstacles facing Australian exporters. According to a...

Minister Carr says there is a viable car industry in Australia given the right...

Minister for Industry and Higher Education Kim Carr strongly believes in the future of car manufacturing in Australia. In an interview with the Herald Sun,...

MRC Industries


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Building resilience as manufacturing requirements become more complex

The industrial machinery and heavy equipment manufacturing sector is critical not only for its direct outputs, machines, and equipment that pave the way for construction, agriculture and manufacturing but also for its crucial role in economic development and innovation.