Friday, December 20, 2024
Home Tags R&D tax incentive

Tag: R&D tax incentive


Expressions of interest now open for Victoria’s industry R&D fund

The Victorian Government is seeking expressions of interest for the Made in Victoria - Industry R&D Infrastructure Fund worth $15 million in a push to promote the expansion of Victoria's capabilities across key industrial sectors.

Cooperative Research Centres Association Proposes Australia invest in R&D success and industrial PhDs to...

Media Release The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Association has published its 2021-22 Pre-Budget Submission, urging the Federal Government to invest in industry-led cooperative research to...

Cann Group receives $3.2M R&D refund for cannabis med manufacture

Medicinal cannabis supplier and manufacturer Cann Group Limited (ASX:CAN) received today a research and development (R&D) tax incentive refund amounting to $3.2 million. The Australian...

MRC Industries


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Building resilience as manufacturing requirements become more complex

The industrial machinery and heavy equipment manufacturing sector is critical not only for its direct outputs, machines, and equipment that pave the way for construction, agriculture and manufacturing but also for its crucial role in economic development and innovation.