Friday, December 20, 2024
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Tag: PhD

CSIRO channels $3.6M into quantum PhDs for skills development

Australia’s national science agency CSIRO has launched the Next Generation Quantum Graduates Program, a $3.6 million initiative to empower Australian quantum students.

Cooperative Research Centres Association Proposes Australia invest in R&D success and industrial PhDs to...

Media Release The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Association has published its 2021-22 Pre-Budget Submission, urging the Federal Government to invest in industry-led cooperative research to...

Australian manufacturing industry to reap benefits from new partnership between AMSI, APR. Intern and...

A new platform for Australian universities to complement specialist PhD training with industry experience has been established with the newly reached agreement between the...

MRC Industries


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Building resilience as manufacturing requirements become more complex

The industrial machinery and heavy equipment manufacturing sector is critical not only for its direct outputs, machines, and equipment that pave the way for construction, agriculture and manufacturing but also for its crucial role in economic development and innovation.