Thursday, December 19, 2024
Home Tags Nyngan Solar Plant

Tag: Nyngan Solar Plant

The largest solar projects in Australia have been completed

AGL Energy and First Solar have successfully completed the two largest solar photovoltaic (PV) plants at Nyngan and Broken Hill. Both solar plants are located...

Broken Hill solar farm ramps up to full generation

Just three days after the last of the 677,760 solar panels was installed, the 53MW Broken Hill solar farm in New South Wales –...

Last panel at Broken Hill installed 

The 53MW Broken Hill solar farm in New South Wales – Australia’s second-largest utility-scale solar plant – is on track to be fully operational...

AGL Energy’s Broken Hill Solar Plant generates power for the first time

The second largest solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Australia – AGL’s Broken Hill solar plant in western New South Wales – has started feeding...

Southern Hemisphere’s largest solar PV plant hits major milestone

Representatives from ARENA, AGL and First Solar joined Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Anthony Roberts and NSW Minister for the Environment Mark Speakman...

Australia’s soon to be largest solar plant, a step closer to perfection

On a 250 hectare site, 550 km northwest of Sydney, Australia's soon to be largest solar plant moves a step closer to completion. The...

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Building resilience as manufacturing requirements become more complex

The industrial machinery and heavy equipment manufacturing sector is critical not only for its direct outputs, machines, and equipment that pave the way for construction, agriculture and manufacturing but also for its crucial role in economic development and innovation.