Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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CSIRO 3D prints titanium dragon for little girl; apologises for lack of ‘dragon research’

Scientists at the CSIRO were more than happy to grant the wish of 7-year old Sophie Lester from Queensland who wrote to them about...

CSIRO scientists and horse podiatrists successfully develop a breakthrough 3D printed horseshoe

Scientists from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), in close collaboration with horse podiatrists, have successfully developed a custom designed 3D printed...

Are manufactured nanomaterials an environmental safety hazard?

Nanomaterials are particles that are between 1 and 100 nanometers in diameter. A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter. Small as they may be,...

Find out how 3D printing created the perfect lightweight titanium horse shoe

Scientists from the CSIRO have produced a set of purple titanium shoes for one Melbourne race horse using 3D printing technology. The horse which was...

Innovation is a key priority for business success. Here’s why.

The importance of innovation in the Australian manufacturing industry cannot be emphasized enough. In recent years, the word “innovation” has been on the vocabulary of...

Diamond-coated carbon nanotubes are a big win for electronics manufacturers

Scientists from CSIRO and Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials have developed a diamond-coated yarn which could reduce costs in the solar and...

CSIRO and DSTO sign agreement to strengthen Australia’s research capability

CSIRO and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) have signed a Strategic Relationship Agreement which seals the commitment of the two research organisations...

Golden Beach Fencing

Com2 Communications

Power Machinery Australia

Featured Article

Circular beds: Revolutionising sustainable bedding in Australia

A new wave of innovation is transforming the Australian manufacturing sector, with sustainability at its core. ROBOVOID, in collaboration with Swinburne University, GT Recycling, and Sustainability Victoria, has developed a groundbreaking bed base made entirely from recycled plastic.