Tag: Collie Futures Industry Development Fund
WA announces $1m funding to expand WesTrac Tech Training Centre
The Western Australian government has announced a $1 million investment for the expansion of the Westrac Technology Training Centre (WTTC).
Made possible through the Collie...
Construction begins on a new medicinal cannabis manufacturing facility in Collie
Medicinal cannabis company Cannaponics Limited is building a new commercial cultivation, extraction, processing and distribution facility in Colie.
The Cannaponics project, which will create approximately...
Holista Colltech to produce medical grade product in Collie
Biotech company Holista Colltech has secured $501,250 in grant funding from the Western Australian Government's Collie Futures Industry Development Fund to expand its production...
Medicinal cannabis facility to open in Collie
Perth-based medicinal cannabis firm Cannaponics Limited has secured a $2 million investment from the Western Australian Government's Collie Futures Industry Development Fund to set...
$9.4m bioenergy project in regional WA to turn local waste into energy
Renergi Pty Ltd, a spin off company from Curtin University, has received $3.9 million in funding from ARENA for the development of the next...
Turning waste to biofuel could deliver new industry for Collie
Media Release
On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has today announced $3.9 million in funding to Renergi Pty Ltd...