Thursday, December 19, 2024
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Tag: bluetooth

GME unveils new Bluetooth connection-enabled wireless radio for vehicles

GME, a Sydney-based communication and safety company, has launched a new wireless push-to-talk UHF CB radio accessory, XRS-BT1. 

Measuring Physical Dimensions and Bluetooth ® Integrated Technology

The previous feature in this series explained the basics of Bluetooth® Technology and how they could be applied for measurement taking and instrumentation. This part will focus on the measurement of lengths and physical dimensions to the precise micrometer level of precision. If you would like to...

Bluetooth® in Measuring and Instrumentation

Modern industrial practices have evolved and changed considerably from their first incarnations due to available technologies and processes. The discipline of instrumentation is no exception. Instrumentation can be defined as the term referring to measuring instruments used for

MRC Industries


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Building resilience as manufacturing requirements become more complex

The industrial machinery and heavy equipment manufacturing sector is critical not only for its direct outputs, machines, and equipment that pave the way for construction, agriculture and manufacturing but also for its crucial role in economic development and innovation.