Tag: 3D printed organs
New elastic hydrogel could overcome key challenges in 3D-printed organs
Researchers at Northeastern University and the University of Texas Arlington have developed a new elastic hydrogel material that could significantly advance the 3D printing of soft living tissues, potentially enabling the creation of artificial blood vessels and human organs.
US researchers develop genetic glue needed for 3D printing tissue and organs
Scientists from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin have developed genetic "glue" that forms gels useful for 3D printing...
Australian scientists 3D print body parts for teaching anatomy
Australian scientists from Monash University have 3D printed realistic body parts to allow doctors in training to learn about the human body and anatomy...
A giant leap for Australian and US scientists; we are one step closer to...
Scientists from Australia and the US are one step closer to finding out how to make organs such as lungs, livers and hearts using...