State gov’t backs WA food producers with major grant funding

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The WA Government has announced $7.08 million in Value Add Investment Grants to support Western Australian food and beverage businesses in expanding operations, introducing new product lines, and creating jobs. 

Eight businesses across the state are set to benefit from the funding, which is designed to boost the local economy and strengthen WA’s agrifood and beverage sector, the government said in a news release. 

Among the recipients, the Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community, located south of Broome, has been awarded $1 million to install blast cool rooms. 

The investment will extend the shelf life and freshness of their watermelons, enabling the community to increase production by 400 per cent and venture into rockmelon cultivation. 

The Ord River District Co-operative (ORDCO), near Kununurra, is set to receive $750,000 to upgrade its stockfeed plant. 

The improvements will enhance its capacity to produce blended grain rations, increasing annual production to 25,000 tonnes. 

With the Kimberley Cotton Company’s gin coming online, the project is expected to bolster the northern cattle industry while adding four new jobs and opportunities for local businesses. 

In Gingin, AAA Egg Company will use its $1 million grant to invest in state-of-the-art machinery to diversify into value-added egg products. 

These will include egg whites, yolks, and prepared items such as scrambled and hard-boiled eggs, catering to the food service and manufacturing industries.

The grants have collectively attracted an additional $262 million in private-sector investment and are expected to create 191 new jobs across the state. 

The initiative highlights the government’s commitment to fostering growth and innovation in WA’s food and beverage industries.

Agriculture and Food Minister Jackie Jarvis emphasised the program’s impact, stating, “This program is kickstarting projects and leveraging substantial co-investment in initiatives that drive expansion, diversification, and resilience for a range of businesses throughout the State. It is creating a number of new local jobs and driving economic growth.”

Further details about the grants and the full list of recipients can be found on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s website.