Southern Prospect wins contract to deliver Metro’s new bus fleet

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Wynyard-based manufacturer Southern Prospect has won a Tasmanian Government contract to deliver Metro’s 100 new buses in a move expected to create 40 full time new jobs in the North West.

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In announcing the contract, Minister for Infrastructure Rene Hidding said the buses will be manufactured over a period of four years, with Southern Prospect to work with a partner to deliver the fleet.

“The new fleet represents the single biggest investment in public transport in Tasmania’s history and highlights our commitment to create jobs for Tasmanians and provide a sustainable public transport system both now and in the future,” the Minister said.

“This project will see the creation of at least 24 full time jobs at Southern Prospect’s Wynyard factory, with additional jobs being created in the Tasmanian supply chain.”

He said the involvement of Southern Prospect was in line with the Government’s Buy Local policy and commitment to support advanced manufacturing and jobs in the North west.

“Southern Prospect will play a central role in the construction and fit out of buses,” the Minister highlighted.

“The Government was always confident Tasmania’s advanced manufacturing industry was in a strong position to be selected to build the new buses, and this is a fantastic outcome for Tasmanian jobs, the economy, and especially for the vital manufacturing industry in the state’s North West.”

Under the contract, the first vehicles are expected to be delivered during 2017/18.