A Foodmap which would provide extensive information about food products has been launched for South Gippsland and surrounding areas, thanks to a $25,000 investment from the Victorian Coalition Government’s $1 billion Regional Growth Fund and $18,000 in additional Victorian Coalition Government funding.

In a media release Deputy Premier and Member for Gippsland South Peter Ryan said the Southern Gippsland Foodmap will encourage growth, consumption and sharing of local food in the region.
“The Southern Gippsland Foodmap will help identify and plug gaps in food production, enable the communities of southern Gippsland to better provide for their own needs, and strengthen existing and form new networks across the region,” Mr. Ryan said.
Gippsland is considered as one of Australia’s best know food tourism destinations, manufacturing a wide variety of cheeses and wines and producing free-range meats, organic fruits and vegetables, and locally-caught seafood.
The Foodmap will be a venue for producers to list their locations and include information about their products such as their history, methods, photos, videos. Businesses would also be able to include information about their distribution outlets as well as links to social media sites such as Twitter.
“By allowing local food suppliers, distributors and community groups to upload their business information and to link with others, the Foodmap allows businesses to network with customers and with each other, identifying potential synergies and partnerships,” Mr. Ryan said.
The Southern Gippsland Foodmap was created through the efforts of the South Gippsland Shire Council, which contributed $10,000 and the South Gippsland Local Food Network, in partnership with Grow Lightly, local food producers, food distributors and community members.
The Regional Growth Fund supports major strategic infrastructure and community-led local initiatives by providing $1 billion over a period of eight years. Projects under the program aim to improve the competitiveness and livability of regional and rural Victoria which would in turn create more jobs and better career opportunities.
“The Regional Growth Fund supports community-led local initiatives such as this, that will provide a boost and further opportunities for local residents. In South Gippsland Shire, the Regional Growth Fund has provided $9.1 million to 26 projects worth $33.2 million,” Minister Ryan said.