Shepparton company Radevski Coolstores has been awarded a $250,000 Investing in Manufacturing Technology (IMT) grant, which would support the purchase and installation of an automated apple and pear pre-sizing and packing machine.

Victorian Minister for Manufacturing David Hodgett and Member for Shepparton Jeanette Powell commended the company for implementing the innovation, which would increase its productivity and competitiveness.
“Radevski is to be applauded for implementing this innovative machine which will increase the company’s productivity and quality control for demanding high value markets by introducing the latest colour and blemish-sorting infrared camera technology,” Mr Hodgett said.
“Investing in new manufacturing technologies, diversifying and pushing into new export markets is clearly the way forward for Victorian manufacturing.”
Four new jobs are expected to be generated from the $3 million project, which would also increase Radevski’s exports by 16 percent, according to the media release.
“Radevski Coolstores are exporting their products and competing in international markets, which is great news for jobs in and around Shepparton,” Mrs Powell said.
The latest round if the IMT program has invested a total of $3.6 million in grants, which funded 19 businesses.
“IMT program grants are designed to help Victoria’s manufacturing industry become more productive and competitive to enable the sector to exploit new markets,” Mr Hodgett said.
“Significantly, the four rounds of the IMT program have now generated a total investment of $62 million, which has created 440 new jobs.”