Sanofi embraces Australian Made Week with sustainable initiatives

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Sanofi Consumer Healthcare (CHC) has pledged its full support for Australian Made Week, running from 20 to 26 May.

This nationwide initiative champions the importance of supporting local manufacturers, makers, growers, and producers while encouraging consumers to choose genuine Australian-made products.

“As an international healthcare company headquartered in Paris, Sanofi CHC ANZ is deeply committed to contributing to the fabric of local Australian manufacturing,” said Gladys Peters, general manager of Sanofi Consumer Healthcare ANZ.

Sanofi’s Consumer Healthcare arm, renowned for brands such as Cenovis, Ostelin, and Nature’s Own, manufactures in the north of Brisbane, Queensland.

Sanofi said its Australian-made products are not just a testament to quality; they represent a dedication to sustainability and socially responsible practices.

Through its ‘Softgel composting’ initiative launched in April 2023, Sanofi said it diverted 99 tonnes of waste from landfills to composting over 12 months.

The company significantly improved its waste management practices, reducing landfill waste from 70 per cent in 2019 to just 35 per cent by Q2 2023, with 65 per cent of the waste being recyclable.

Sanofi’s commitment to renewable energy is evident through the implementation of rooftop solar panels installed in February 2023.

These panels have consistently provided approximately 11 per cent of the site’s overall electricity needs, with some months reaching as high as 14 per cent.

Additionally, the upcoming carpark solar project, set for completion at the end of this quarter, will contribute an equal amount of energy, with the site hosting over 2,700 solar panels to generate approximately 22 per cent of its total electricity.

Further demonstrating its green initiatives, Sanofi said it is launching electric vehicle charging stations on 22 May 2024, to encourage the transition to green energy transportation among its employees.

In July 2023, a project cut the company’s annual water usage by 36,000 litres through more efficient cleaning processes.

Sanofi said this significant reduction is part of continuous efforts to conserve water, with the site’s daily usage around 50,000 litres.

Sanofi CHC ANZ is participating in Australian Made Week, celebrating local manufacturing excellence and a commitment to delivering high-quality consumer healthcare products to Australians and beyond.

“We invite consumers to join us in supporting Australian-made products and investing in the health and wellbeing of our Australian communities,” said Peters.