Australian clean energy company Pure Hydrogen Corporation has signed a Term Sheet with Singaporean renewable fuel technology company CAC-H2 to build three waste to hydrogen plants on the east coast of Australia.
According to Pure Hydrogen’s statement, the first plant will be built north of Brisbane and is expected to be operational in late 2022, with Melbourne and Sydney to follow.
Under the agreement between the two parties, CAC-H2 will fund, build, and operate the plant and Pure Hydrogen will fund storage and load out.
Pure Hydrogen Managing Director Scott Brown said the three planned sites are expected to bring new jobs and opportunities to the rapidly growing clean energy and renewables sector, whilst supporting Australia’s critical path to decarbonisation and achieving its climate goals.
“We are very excited to be partnering with CAC-H2 and establishing facilities to service the East Coast of Australia supplying hydrogen fuel. We are pulling all facets of the supply chain together to deliver a complete solution for commercial and industrial users,” Mr Brown said.
“We will continue to develop our existing projects and the partnership with CAC-H2 which will allow us to bring forward hydrogen supply coverage to the east coast more rapidly.
“We will provide details on the first site including the proven waste to green hydrogen production process very soon.”
CAC-H2 Group CEO Glenn Davies added: “Coming together with one of Australia’s first-movers in the hydrogen fuel sector not only provides us with a solid foundation upon which to build the network of customers, but also we are gaining a highly skilled scientific and technical partner that will allow us to build a solid platform in Australia as a leading force in the rapidly growing global hydrogen economy.”