Minister for Higher Education and Skills Nick Wakeling has announced that the Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre has been awarded a $62,600 grant through round six of the Capacity and Innovation Fund, which is expected to contribute to 37 new projects initiated by Learn Local organisations.

Mr Wakeling said the funding was aimed at helping local people of all ages and abilities improve their skills and further their opportunities.
“This grant will enable the Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre to partner with the Elwood St Kilda Learning Centre to develop a work and study program to help low-income single parents and long-term unemployed people re-enter the workforce or education system. These programs make a real difference for the people in our community who need it the most,” Mr Wakeling said in a media release.
“The Victorian Coalition Government is committed to building a better vocational education and training system for all Victorians and we understand the need to support special programs such as these to ensure that we engage with people who may be vulnerable learners.”
The Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board is responsible for the Government’s Capacity and Innovation Fund which is investing $2.46 million to support Learn Local organisations across the state to help them develop and implement projects designed to meet learner needs and to increase participation and attainment in pre-accredited and accredited training programs.
“More than 300 Learn Locals across Victoria provide a range of high-quality training programs in a welcoming, community-based environment, with a focus on supporting people who face barriers to participation in training. Learn Local organisations make a real difference to people’s lives by helping to improve real life skills, employment prospects and connectedness with the community,” Mr Wakeling said.
“They specialise in reaching out and engaging Victorians who might otherwise miss out, such as people living with a disability, Aboriginal Victorians, people who are unemployed or at risk of unemployment and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.”
The sixth round of Capacity and Innovation Fund grants will bring the Coalition Government’s total investment through the fund to $18.02 million since 2011.
“The Napthine Government is investing a record $1.2 billion per year in vocational education and training, enabling Victorians to develop the skills they need to achieve their training, employment and life goals,” Mr Wakeling said.
“Since 2010, the number of Victorians enrolling in Victorian Government subsidised training courses at Learn Locals has increased by 15%.”