The Plastics and Chemical Industries Association (PACIA) has welcomed the Coalition’s commitment to cutting red tape and reducing regulatory burden.

On Monday, Tony Abbott announced the Coalition’s plan to slash $1 billion a year in red tape, with the aim to create a more efficient government and more productive businesses.
“One of the key areas holding back the manufacturing industry in this country is inconsistent, complex and costly regulation. Both major political parties recognise the need for reform, but what the nation needs is action”, said PACIA Chief Executive Margaret Donnan.
In a statement from the Coalition, excessive regulation was identified as the problem for business, resulting in more costs than benefits and discouraging innovation, investment and job creation.
“Not only does excessive regulation add unnecessary costs to business, it also adds additional costs to governments which are required to enforce regulation,” said the Coalition.
PACIA has revealed that the chemicals and plastics industry was identified as a “hotspot” for reform by Council of Australian Governments (COAG) all the way back in February 2006.
“Although COAG agreed to implement regulation and competition reforms suggested by the Productivity Commission in 2008, some five years later, industry is still waiting for most of those reforms to be delivered” said Margaret Donnan.
“Industry is seeking effective and balanced regulation that protects workers, the community and the environment while delivering a business environment that stimulates growth, innovation and trade. The Coalition’s policy is a good starting point and we call on both sides of politics to implement reform not simply talk about it” she said.
Recently, the chemicals and plastics industry released a Strategic Roadmap, and a key component of the Roadmap is the reform of regulation – to view the Roadmap please visit