Medical technology company Osteopore Limited (ASX:OSX) announced Monday that it has signed a Cooperation Agreement with US-based Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies to begin collaboration on the sale of 3D printed regenerative implants.
Under the agreement, the two parties will join forces to promote their regenerative products – Terumo Blood and Celll Technologies’ Autologous Biologics (“TAB”) and Osteopore’s scaffolds – throughout the Asia-Pacific Region.
“The agreement will expose Osteopore products to Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies’ extensive network of blood centres, hospitals, therapeutic clinics, researchers, and private medical practices in Asia-Pacific,” the release said.
The companies will evaluate opportunies for post-market and investiagtor-initiaed studies in selected countries. Furthermore, they also plan to co-sponsor event and workshops to promote the collaboration.
Complementary technologies
The TAB technology can be used to extract patient’s bone marrow in a concentrated manner, thus enahncing the the chances of bone regeneration.
Working hand-in-hand with the TAB technology, Osteopore’s scaffolds can be used in various reconstructive surgeries. The 3D-prinited implants can be used to fill in fractures resulting from trauma, or burr holes after neurosurgery.
They then function as patterns for bone recovery, and they naturally dissolve in the body overtime during the regeneration process, thus limiting post-surgery complications commonly associated with permanent bone implants.