Steeline GRP, the largest steel roll former in the Northern Territory, is the latest grant recipient of co-investment under the Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem Fund (AMEF), securing $800,000 to support the integration of new manufacturing equipment to scale up the company’s operations.
The funding, which is part of a five-year, $8.75 million partnership between the Northern Territory Government and the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC), will be used to back Steeline’s collaborative project with Charles Darwin University, Diverseco, and local business Custom Works to grow the capability and capacity of the Northern Territory manufacturing ecosystem.
AMEF was launched in an effort to support industry-led advanced manufacturing projects across the region’s priority sectors. The investment will be used in addition to Steeline’s $1.9 million investment in in-kind services, support, and labour.
Aside from upskilling Steeline’s existing staff, the project will also create 10 new Terrritory-first manufacturing jobs that will remove the need to outsource work from interstate and overseas.
“Our advanced manufacturing facility will house state-of-the-art automated metal manufacturing technology and will be supported by skilled staff possessing STEM capabilities that do not currently exist in the NT,” said Toni Halikos, general manager for Steeline. “In short, we will be removing the requirement to outsource work interstate or overseas, while creating more local jobs – it’s a win-win for the Territory.”
The project is expected to generate up to $7.25 million in additional revenue over the next five years.
The Territory Labor Government launched AMEF as part of its effort to back local businesses and create jobs in the region.
The AMEF investment will enable Steeline to acquire machines that can cut longer and heavier pieces of aluminium steel and weld them into formation.
Steeline is the sixth NT business to receive investment through the AMEF.
“Steeline’s project represents an important lift in the ability of the NT’s manufacturing ecosystem to supply important economic development and major projects across the region – precisely what the AMEF was designed to achieve,” said Charmaine Phillips, AMGC’s director for the Northern Territory.
“The AMEF has begun to transform the Territory’s manufacturing ecosystem in a short amount of time,” said Minister for Advanced Manufacturing Nicole Manison. “The co-investment fund is achieving exactly what it was set out to do – generate jobs, increase local capability and drive growth across the Territory, with Steeline playing a pivotal role in boosting local jobs, innovation and opportunities.”