A new ballistics data acquisition technology at weapons manufacturer NIOA’s range facility in Brisbane is expected to revolutionise the way weapon and ammunition performance are tested, according to the company’s top engineer.
Rudi Bekker, general manager for engineering at NIOA Australia, said the company’s newly installed MS Instruments Projectile Velocity Measurement System (MSI PVMS) is bringing game-changing capabilities to the company’s arsenal of NIOA Test and Evaluation expertise capability.
“The ballistic instrumentation records highly accurate data with an integrated software system, providing acoustic and optical target system outputs that are precise, and a cost and time-effective way of measuring weapon and ammunition accuracy,” Bekker said.
“The equipment is versatile and can be used within the NIOA 100m in-door range; as well as being deployable to external ranges operating in any weather conditions,” he added.
The MSI PVMS is the latest addition of specialist equipment to NIOA’s weapons, firearms, and munitions testing complex, the company said in a media release.
“This technology is another example of NIOA’s investment in domestic capability to ensure we stay at the forefront of innovation,” said Ben James, chief executive officer of NIOA Australia and New Zealand. “By embracing the most advanced technology we are enhancing Australia’s sovereign capability which ultimately supports national security in an increasingly complex threat landscape.”
NIOA’s range facility in Brisbane opened in 2014 and is the only indoor 100m range in Australia rated for the firing and data acquisition of small arms through medium calibre cannons of up to 40mm.