Media Release by SWDC
The South West Development Commission has welcomed the appointment of the Hon Clive Brown as the independent Chair of the South West Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Hub (SW AMTECH) steering group.
The announcement marks another step forward in the Commission’s plans to deliver an advanced manufacturing and technology hub for Bunbury and the wider region.
SWDC chief executive officer Mellisa Teede said the Commission was working to tap into the potential of the region and unlock business and job opportunities, by leveraging off the region’s advantages.
“In the South West, we already have a highly skilled and globally competitive manufacturing industry,” Ms Teede said.
“We want to build on that and create further businesses and advanced manufacturing jobs for generations to come.”
Mr Brown said he was excited to be invited by the WA Government to participate in the next phase of the development of an advanced manufacturing hub in the South West.
“There is no doubt Bunbury and surrounds has all the ingredients to make this a reality,” Mr Brown said.
“Innovative companies producing high-quality products have thrived in the area due to talented leadership.
“The region has a highly skilled workforce that has been achieved through a commitment to training and the employment of a steady stream of apprentices.
“I see my role as working within government and with industry to work up the next stage of the development.
“Ultimately the essential objective is to create a hub that enables the industry to expand as well as participate in other emerging opportunities.”
The former Minister for State Development, Tourism and Small Business brings to the role a strong background in industry having previously been a Director of CI Resources and Director of Phosphate Resources as well as a consultant to the sector.
As Chair of the steering group, Mr Brown will provide independent advice to government, through the Minister for Regional Development, on the vision and benefits of a SW AMTECH.
Bunbury MLA Don Punch welcomed the appointment.
“I am really pleased with Clive’s appointment given his background in commerce and trade and his personal commitment to manufacturing diversity,” Mr Punch said.
A cutting-edge hub would co-locate manufacturing, research and training for the purpose of increasing capability and fostering innovative opportunities for industry collaboration, building business capability and competitiveness into the future.