Defence Industry Melissa Price has launched a new organisation that will operate as the ‘one-stop shop’ for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) doing business with Defence.
The Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS) will replace the Centre for Defence Industry Capability and will be used by Defence and major contractors “to find Australian solutions to capability challenges among small and medium businesses”.
According to Minister Price, ODIS will feature experienced, specialist staff with Air Force, Navy, Army and commercial backgrounds who will help Australian businesses enter or expand their footprint in the defence market.
“ODIS is a new organisation with a redefined purpose that will be a trusted link between Defence and Australian SMEs,” Minister Price said.
“This new organisation will work directly with state and territory agencies, industry associations, SMEs, and major contractors to build greater sovereign capability, so that our men and women in uniform get what they need to keep Australia safe.
“ODIS will employ a proactive strategy to support businesses, because we need to start dragging the right SMEs through the door with the ability to provide local solutions to Defence’s capability requirements.
“As part of ODIS’ flexible and adaptable approach, there will be regular reviews of key services for the first 12 months to ensure we are meeting the needs of industry and Defence.”
Minister Price said ODIS will have a dedicated regional support team that will seek out regional SMEs with the capability to enter the Defence market.
“The team will support those businesses in their pursuit of Defence contracts and identify opportunities for them in Defence programs,” the Minister continued.
“I am determined to have a greater focus on increasing opportunities in our defence industry for regional Australia.
“As the Member for an electorate taking in much of regional WA, I know there is potential in regional Australia that needs to be unlocked.”
ODIS will have a presence in each state and territory, with industry engagement teams providing expert advice to assist businesses to integrate into supply chains and grow to become more competitive defence providers.
“I want ODIS staff right where the action is, so each ODIS office will be located within a defence industry precinct,” Ms Price continued, adding that it would be standard practice for ODIS to partner with industry associations and registered training providers across the country to deliver ‘Defence Readiness’ training.
“These training programs will help businesses position themselves to win Defence contracts,” the Minister said.
“Through targeted partnerships, ODIS will be able to engage with a broader group of businesses capable of supporting the Australian Defence Force.
“I invite businesses to contact our industry engagement specialists and together we can build a stronger, more sustainable, and globally competitive Australian defence industry.”