New wind farm to create 150 jobs in regional Queensland


Queensland’s publicly-owned energy generator CleanCo Queensland has inked an agreement to take power from the Dulacca wind farm which will create 150 jobs in regional Queensland.

Once completed, the Dulacca wind farm will generate up to 180 megawatts (MW) of renewable wind energy, enough to power more than 120,000 Queensland homes.

It will be owned by Octopus Australia, one of the largest owners of renewable energy projects in Australia, with RES – the world’s largest independent renewable energy company – to support the delivery of the project.

CleanCo CEO Dr Maia Schweizer said the company has committed take 70% or 126MW from the wind farm to complement its growing portfolio of renewable energy generation.

“CleanCo’s generation portfolio enables us to offer uniquely low-emissions energy to our large commercial and industrial customers,” Dr Schweizer said.

“Power Purchase Agreements like this one mean we can offer competitively priced energy contracts supported by renewables and our fleet of low-emissions firming generation, guaranteeing supply day and night.

“The benefits of these agreements are far-reaching – our customers meet their sustainability targets at a competitive cost, helping them to remain relevant in a decarbonising world, and in turn we help Queensland meet our State emissions targets.”

Octopus Australia’s Managing Director Sam Reynolds said projects like Dulacca were ‘key to helping decarbonise power generation in Australia’.

“This project follows our strategy of creating a diversified portfolio across location and technology that matches what the future of Australian energy should look like,” Mr Reynolds continued.

“This is Octopus’ fourth large scale Australian renewable asset, and with projects in NSW, Victoria and now Queensland we hit an important milestone in managing over $1 billion, across construction and operational assets in the country, with ambitions to continue this rapid growth.”

RES’ CEO in Australia Matt Rebbeck said the project would contribute towards the Queensland Government’s target of 50% renewables by 2030.

“The Dulacca Renewable Energy Project will be constructed over a two-year period beginning this year and will bring more than $400 million in regional economic activity and a range of ongoing economic and social benefits,” Mr Rebbeck added.

“In addition, a community fund of $1.25m will provide funding opportunities for local projects, educational and environmental initiatives, community groups and organisations within the communities surrounding the project.”

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