New training centre at RMIT to transform biosolid resource management


The Federal Government will provide $3.9 million to establish an Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource.

The new Centre, to be based at RMIT University, will aim to transform Australia’s biosolid use as a valuable resource, providing new practices, technologies and products for improved land management and training.

It will be headed by RMIT’s Distinguished Professor Andrew Ball and will bring together expertise from 20 national and international partners from Australia, the UK and US including universities, water management authorities and industry.

Professor Ball said the centre would ‘transform the way biosolids are managed in Australia’, paving the way for more environmentally sustainable practices worldwide.

“In Australia, 1.5 million tonnes of wet material are produced every year. This is a valuable resource that can contribute to a more successful circular economy,” he said.

“Our research projects will investigate how we can best manage this valuable resource across the entire process, from treating biosolid waste, transportation, legislation and improved use as a resource that will benefit our agricultural and land management industries.

“The training centre will also ensure we are equipped and ready to go with a skilled workforce ready to use the new technologies as they are developed.”

Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Vice-President Professor Calum Drummond said the Centre will attract a total of $13.7 million in cash and in-kind support including access to outstanding facilities and expertise.

“Our research is focused on working with industry and the community to capture opportunities benefiting our economy, society and environment,” he continued.

“We are delighted that this Centre will build on RMIT’s expertise in environmental science and technology and help develop the next generation of research leaders in this field.”

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