New manufacturing hub opens at Rockhampton 

Image Credit: Queensland Government

The Queensland Government has officially opened the $10 million Rockhampton Manufacturing Hub, one of three manufacturing hubs delivered as part of a total $30 million investment.

Located at Central Queensland University’s North Rockhampton campus, the hub has been operational since April 2019 as a centre of expertise for advanced manufacturing innovation and skills.

Minister for Manufacturing Cameron Dick said the hub would unlock a world of opportunities to help local manufacturers grow and improve their competitive edge.

“Local manufacturers will gain access to business development programs, skills and training and equipment through the Central Queensland University campus,” the Minister said.

“By focusing on Central Queensland’s key manufacturing strengths of rail, metal production and food innovation, the hub is ensuring it’s full steam ahead for local industry.”

CQUniversity Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Alastair Dawson said the hub would be ‘strongly linked’ to the university and its facilities like the Centre for Railway Engineering.

“Co-locating the hub on CQUniversity’s Rockhampton North campus will give local manufacturers direct access to our world-class facilities,” Mr Dawson said.

“This will give industry in Central Queensland the opportunity to invest in upskilling and building the workforce of tomorrow.”

Rockhampton manufacturing company SMW Group’s Managing Director Jack Trenaman said the hub would help local businesses looking to upskill and scale up.

“Establishing this new hub means local manufacturers can access funding opportunities, advice and training to make our region’s businesses bigger and better,” Mr Trenaman said.

“And the more local businesses grow their capabilities, the more jobs we’re creating for the Rocky region.”

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