The South Australian Government has approved the construction of a new gold mine in the state’s Far North which is expected to generate about 40 jobs over two to three year mine life.

Image credit: www.challengerjv.com.au
Owned by WPG Resources, the Tarcoola Gold Project is located 550 km northwest of Adelaide and in close proximity to WPG’s currently operating Challenger gold mine, allowing the ore from the project to be processed at Challenger.
The project has been granted a mining lease in March 2016, with the PEPR and payment of the assessed rehabilitation bond paving the way for operations to start immediately at the open cut mine.
Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said Preliminary work in Tarcoola has already commenced, including a re-fit of existing buildings in the Tarcoola township for mine offices and accommodation, with the first ore scheduled to arrive at Challenger in December 2016.
“This is welcome news for WPG Resources and for jobs in the Far North, with 40 new jobs to be created over the life of the mine,” the Minister stated.
“I congratulate WPG on meeting the requirements to open a new mine at Tarcoola, which will also sustain the existing workforce at their Challenger mine, where the ore will be processed. South Australia has a rigorous approvals process and achieving a PEPR means that the community should feel assured that this mine will meet its environmental protection and rehabilitation obligations during and after the life of the project.”