Origin, in partnership with Accenture and Google Cloud, has unveiled an Aussie-first DIY online solar tool that can calculate the most suitable solar product for any household.
The tool – which is now available in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Canberra metropolitan areas – uses machine learning, 3D data, visual AI, and advanced analytics to provide customers with accurate and tailored recommendations of how solar will perform on their rooftops and their potential savings within 10 minutes.
Origin’s General Manager of Retail Sales and Marketing, Duncan Permezel said calculations are based on details including roof pitch, area, and shading from obstructions, coupled with insights on specific household energy consumption.
“This market-leading technology will save customers time by providing them with a quick assessment of how solar will support their household’s energy requirements, including how much it will cost to install and how much they can potentially save,” Mr Permezel said.
“The tailored and detailed nature of the solution makes it easy for customers to understand the potential benefits of solar energy for their home and make an informed decision about what’s best for them.”
The platform was developed by Origin in partnership with Accenture, whose data scientists designed and deployed it in close collaboration with Google Cloud.
It can provide customers with solar power generation estimates, system and installation costs, potential energy and bill savings, and information on the investment break-even point, allowing them to make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in solar panels.
“Previously, prospective solar customers would need to speak with a sales agent and schedule a site inspection to gain this level of personalisation and detail in their quote, a process which can sometimes take weeks,” said Mr Permezel noted.
“For customers who would prefer to chat to a solar expert or have someone visit their home to inspect their roof, that level of service is still something we provide.
“This DIY online solar platform is another way that we are trying to make it easier for more customers to access cleaner, smarter and more affordable energy solutions.”
Ben Tulloch, a managing director and lead for the Accenture Google Cloud Business Group in Australia and New Zealand, said the innovative solution showcased the potential of cloud as a “launchpad for powering advanced analytics and visual AI”.
“Our goal is to help Origin grow through hyper-personalised solar offerings for more than two million households,” he added.
According to Origin’s press release, customers in serviceable areas interested in learning more about whether their home is suitable for solar and what their potential costs and savings could look like can find the Origin Solar Assessment Tool by entering their address and following the prompts at www.originenergy.com.au/solar/quote.