Matternet introduces medical drone delivery operations in Berlin


Drone logistics startup Matternet has announced the launch of drone delivery operations at Labor Berlin Charité Vivantes in Germany.

The program kicked-off November 17, 2020 with permanent operations expected to take flight next year, creating the first urban BVLOS medical drone delivery network in the European Union.

Matternet expects the program to significantly improve the timeliness and efficiency of Labor Berlin’s diagnostics services by providing an option to avoid roadway delays, which will improve patient experience with potentially life-saving benefits and lower costs.

Labor Berlin – Europe’s largest hospital laboratory with state of the art facilities in 13 hospitals across the city – currently receives over 15,000 samples every day across its extensive network.

Matternet CEO Andreas Raptopoulos said the company’s world-leading drone technology, coupled with Labor Berlin’s impressive scale, has the potential to serve millions of patients each year.

He said the initial phase of the program will see Matternet work with Labor Berlin to determine optimal ways to integrate drone delivery into the laboratory group’s existing workflow.

“We continue to expand drone delivery operations around the world with a focus on urban environments,” Mr Raptopoulos continued.

“Hospitals and laboratories in densely populated cities like Berlin need fast and predictable transportation methods that avoid urban congestion.

“We are thrilled to partner with Labor Berlin and look forward to streamlining their diagnostics work to the benefit of Berlin’s hospitals and residents.

“Matternet’s drone delivery network will not only be able to transport patient samples from hospitals to Labor Berlin facilities up to 70% quicker but also reduce vehicular traffic and emissions in Berlin’s urban core,” Mr Raptopoulos concluded.

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