Rubber specialist and thermoplastic elastomer machine builder Maplan is preparing to host the two-day “Maplan Days of Technology” event which will take place on June 4th and 5th in Ternitz, Austria.

According to the media release by Maplan, the “Maplan Days of Technology” will offer attending customers and partners an overview on trends and the current state of technology in the elastomer business and a taste of the newest technologies in elastomer injection moulding machinery.
The focus of the event will be vertical and horizontal machines with clamp forces ranging from 1.600 to 4.600kN, automation, quality and application technology.
In addition, elastomer experts can extend their knowledge about current energy-efficient, cost- and process optimisations.
The event will see Maplan and 22 business partners present and discuss their newest technologies through lectures and information booths.
“In a highly specialised industry such as the elastomer technology, it is extremely important to be able to have an exchange of information and ideas from experts. Our aim is to allow a broad networking as well as developing new ideas. Our expertise should reach beyond machine technology and offer information and guidance for technical application and processes challenges,” CEO of Maplan, Wolfgang Meyer said.
Maplan expects the event to be attended by roughly 250 visitors from around the world.
Maplan Company was founded as an engineering and plant construction firm in 1970 in southern Vienna under the name of “Machines and Technical Plant, Planning and Manufacturing GmbH”. The company added the field of “rubber injection moulding technology” to its portfolio after the acquisition of Werner & Pfleiderer Rubber Technology in 1993.
Maplan’s concepts for the clamping unit include both fully hydraulic and hydro mechanical units in column type as well as C-frame machines.
The company manufactures over 250 vertical and horizontal elastomer injection moulding machines per year and is represented by sales and service offices in over 60 countries.