Lendlease to deliver a $101.1m defence infrastructure project in Brisbane

Image Credit: Department of Defence

Landlease has secured a contract to deliver a $101.1 million project that involves the  construction of vehicle workshops, hardstands and shelters at Gallipoli Barracks in Brisbane.

Lendlease will deliver the facilities under Land 121 Stage 5B as a continuation of works delivered under Land 121 Stage 2A.

Defence Minister Peter Dutton said the project is part of a larger $150 million national investment aimed at supporting the modernisation of the Australian Army and Royal Australian Airforce vehicle fleet.

“This next generation of light, medium and heavy vehicles is capable of supporting combat operations, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, and training to ensure the Australian Defence Force is prepared for both current and future operations,” Minister Dutton said.

“This $101.1 million is a welcome investment in the Queensland economy that will generate opportunities for our local businesses.”

Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price said the project – which has an anticipated peak workforce of about 150 people per day during the three-year construction period – will benefit the local economy by providing opportunities to local suppliers and subcontractors.

“Lendlease is committed to achieving a target of 85 per cent local workforce participation for the works being delivered at Gallipoli Barracks,” Ms Price said.

The project is anticipated to be complete by mid-2024.

Image Credit: <a href=”https://www1.defence.gov.au”>Department of Defence</a>