Infinity Design Pty Limited — a wholly owned subsidiary of TZ Limited, renowned provider of product design and development services to the Australian market — has been awarded two awards at the 2014 Good Design Awards Gala Dinner held in Sydney last Wednesday.

According to the ASX Announcement by TZ, Infinity was chosen from a pool of over 150 Australian and International entries which qualified for Good Design® Selection, having satisfied all of the judging panel’s high-standard criteria covering form, function, safety, sustainability, quality, commerciality and innovation.
The company brought home the Good Design Award in the Consumer Electronics category for designing Acoustic3D’s “Emergence Speaker” — the world’s first range of audio speakers that can produce three-dimensional sound by generating acoustic holograms, and the overall Powerhouse Museum Award for its “Multi-Fresh Fruit Bowl” — a bowl designed to bridge the needs to package and protect a fruit hamper during delivery to businesses.
“It is a tremendous achievement for our design subsidiary to be recognised for its design capabilities and to win against an impressive collection of world class designs and international brands. We truly have world class product design capabilities and together with our strong software capability, this will underpin the next generation of TZ products. Well done to Glenn Bevan and his team,” said Executive Chairman, Mark Bouris.
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