iLAuNCH Trailblazer project to utilise additive manufacturing for carbon composite structures

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The latest iLAuNCH Trailblazer project is embarking on a groundbreaking initiative to utilise additive manufacturing technology in the development of large-scale carbon composite structures for rockets.

Led by the Innovative Launch, Automation, Novel Materials, Communications, and Hypersonics (iLAuNCH) Trailblazer program, this project aims to revolutionise rocket manufacturing by leveraging the design flexibility and speed of additive manufacturing, while harnessing the advancements in carbon composite technology.

“This is another world class approach to lay up space-grade carbon-fibre and then digitally model that for scale and repeatable design,” said iLAuNCH Trailblazer Executive Director Darin Lovett.

He continued, “As we make progress in developing sovereign capability for space applications, we know these products will also benefit defence, aerospace, and other sectors that require high-value, bespoke composite structures.”

Collaborating with New Frontier Technologies (NFT), the Australian National University’s Australian Advanced Instrumentation Centre (AITC), and the X-ray Computed Tomography laboratory (CTLab), the project aims to develop structures suitable for rocketry applications while ensuring rigorous testing and validation.

Utilising advanced manufacturing expertise and precision facilities, the Australian National University will play a pivotal role in assessing and maturing the manufacturing process.

Professor Patrick Kluth highlighted the significance of their contribution, emphasising the potential for this technology to advance Australian manufacturing capability.

Central to the project is the application of x-ray computed tomography (CT) and 3D multiscale modelling, enabling high-fidelity simulation and assessment of structural integrity.

These techniques provide detailed insights into microstructure features, crucial for optimising performance and ensuring reliability.

Leading the charge in manufacturing innovation, New Frontier Technologies has pioneered design-for-manufacture (DfM) strategies for scalable, additive manufacturing of space-grade carbon-fibre structures.

Paul Compston, Director and CEO of NFT, pointed out the uniqueness of their manufacturing capability, proven through successful projects with the European Space Agency (ESA).

“This is the only ATP manufacturing capability of its kind in Australia and has been proven in European (ESA) projects for manufacture of high-performance composite structures for space applications,” he stated.