Blue Banner Pickled Onions will be making its way back to supermarket shelves following its return to production in Tasmania.

As part of the Federal government’s Tasmanian Jobs and Growth Plan, the iconic Tasmanian brand was given another chance through a $500,000 grant which would see the expansion of its producer Perfecta Produce’s processing plant while at the same time securing around 30 jobs over the next 12 months.
Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings and Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Sid Sidebottom said they are pleased that the future of Blue Banner has been secured with the help of the Government program.
“The return of Blue Banner pickled onions to Tasmania is a win for jobs, the agriculture sector and Australian consumers,” Ms. Giddings said in a media release.
“It’s great to see this famous brand return to Tasmania, reinforcing the state’s reputation for quality produce.”
Blue Banner was discontinued by Rosella in March when the company went into liquidation. Fortunately Australian company Sabrands acquired Rosella and has also decided to return the pickled onion brand in Tasmania.
In an ABC News report Perfecta Produce Director Darren Broadby says he is glad to have Blue Banner back in Tasmania and is optimistic about the opportunities to employ more people in the future.
“We had about six weeks to put our factory back together again, admittedly with old equipment, and we started production the first week of May,” Mr. Broadby said.
“And into next year, once we grow more onions we’ll actually have the opportunity to employ more people because we will get our production up to meet demand.”
Mr. Sidebottom has also announced that the Regional Development grant will contribute to the construction of a $1.95 million processing facility in Ulverstone. The plant will have the capacity to produce 800,000 jars annually according to the media release.
Rosella has also returned to manufacturing in Victoria, with up to 20 jobs already created in the town of Silvan. The company much loved for its tomato sauce and pasta sauces is now manufacturing bottles upon bottles of their products and has hit most Coles, Woolworths and IGA supermarkets.