National Skills Week kicked-off last Monday as a one-of-a-kind event that is intended to pinpoint the opportunities and career pathways that are available through Vocational Education and Training (VET) and to raise the status of practical and vocational learning.

National Skills Week will run until the 31st of August and will offer hundreds of events across Australia.
Minister for Higher Education and Skills Nick Wakeling officially launched the event, revealing that more and more Victorians are training in areas of skill shortage or employment growth.
Minister for Manufacturing David Hodgett officially opened the 2014 Industry Skills Forum and Expo in Ringwood, organised by the Outer Eastern Local Learning and Employment Network (OELLEN) in partnership with Box Hill Institute, Holmesglen TAFE, Federation Training and Swinburne University of Technology.
“The Skills Forum and Expo provides an excellent opportunity for parents, young people, education professionals, government, business and industry to learn more about our future workforce. OELLEN is focused on creating and developing strong sustainable partnerships and brokering initiatives between local education providers, industry, community, parents and family to enhance education and transition outcomes for young people aged 10-19 years,” the Minister said.
“In doing so, OELLEN seeks to expand local education and training options and identify local skill shortages and employment opportunities for young people, to ensure successful transition from school to further education, training or employment. This is essential to developing a strong, competitive economy.”
The Minister further pointed out that the Napthine Government is committed to building a better training system for all Victorians.
“Victoria has several key advantages that can drive our transition to an advanced, diverse and globally competitive manufacturing industry – particularly in niche markets. They include a strong skills base, world-class research capabilities and strong development and design strengths. Victoria has nine world-class universities and an outstanding VET system that delivers a highly skilled and diverse workforce,” Mr Hodgett said.