Roy Morgan Research, the largest independent Australian research company, has released the results of its comprehensive survey on the country’s workforce disposition, which showed that half of Australia’s workforce may consider changing jobs next year.

user: Stuart Miles
Over 8000 full- or part-time Australian workers answered the questions which covered everything from their income and industry, satisfaction with job recognition and opportunities, rating of current pay and job security, the quality of their employers’ management, training and customer service, and their job-seeking intentions over the coming year.
“28% of Australia’s workers agree they will consider changing organisations within the next 12 months, while another 23% neither agree nor disagree, or can’t say. Less than half the 11 million employed Australians 14+ (49%) say they aren’t considering changing employer,” reads Roy Morgan’s workforce data.
This number of employees considering changing organisation far exceeds the number of those unsatisfied (9%) or unsure (16%), with 3 in 4 employees saying they are satisfied.
Naturally, dissatisfied employees are much more likely to be considering changing organisation. But of the 75% of workers who say they are satisfied, around 1 in 5 are considering switching the company they currently work for.
“Overall, 1.58 million employees are satisfied with their current job but nevertheless considering moving elsewhere within the next year. This represents a pool of job-seekers around twice as large as those who are both dissatisfied and thinking of leaving (756,000),” the report states.
“Rates of both dissatisfaction and consideration of changing organisation vary greatly across different industries. Australians working in Mining are the most likely to be dissatisfied and the second most likely to be contemplating a change of organisation. Manufacturing workers are also in the Top 5 for both dissatisfaction and new job consideration.”
Although Public Administration and Defence employees have the second highest rate of dissatisfaction behind Mining, they are actually the most likely to say they’ll be staying within their current organisation.
Conversely, although only around 1 in 25 workers in Electricity, Gas and Water are dissatisfied, over seven times as many are considering changing jobs.
Roy Morgan Research CEO Michele Levine says employers must find a way to hold on to their top talent.
“At a time when companies are looking to downsize, delay or restructure, retaining the right talent within your organisation has never been more important. Yet more than a quarter of all employees are currently considering changing jobs and another 1 in 5 aren’t sure.”