Government releases new strategy to drive Australian jobs in the thriving resources sector

Image Credit: Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

The Federal Government has released a new strategy to help Australians take up jobs in resources industries and to ensure the country has the required skilled workers to meet future demand.

Australia’s resources sector, which accounts for half of the country’s exports, directly employs over 260,000 people and supports upwards of one million other jobs across the economy.

Between last February and November 2020, employment in the sector has grown by 8.5% and this growth trajectory is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

Australia’s National Resources Workforce Strategy outlines measures in the three key areas of opportunity, participation and quality, including ways the Government is:

  • Working with industry to plan for job creation and skills demand;
  • Supporting local employment, particularly in regional communities;
  • Providing opportunities, particularly for women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to engage with resources careers; and
  • Increasing the availability of resources-related training.

Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia Keith Pitt said the strategy demonstrates the support and opportunities ‘for careers in a thriving sector’.

“There are opportunities across both cities and regions, with employees working in hi-vis, lab coats and office spaces. This Strategy supports Australians to get the skills needed to take up these jobs,” Minister Pitt said.

“The resources sector has been a standout through the global COVID pandemic.

“It’s continued to grow despite the pandemic and border disruptions at a time when it is more important than ever that Australians have access to jobs and opportunities.

“We particularly want to ensure that people living in regional communities have opportunities to study, train and upskill to take up these jobs.”

He said the strategy complements the Government’s JobMaker plan and brings together education and training initiatives to support participation and future growth.

“The sector relies on certain skills to unlock new resources potential and productivity and to maintain our status as a world-leading supplier of resources and energy,” the Minister continued.

“This new Strategy aims to help the sector meet its need for skills, and to promote resources job opportunities and training to Australian workers.”