Gold Coast manufacturer uses its expertise to enter the nutritional supplement category

Image from Wellboost
Product Release - Wellboost

A leading dairy-based powder manufacturing company on the Gold Coast has launched Wellboost™, a range of Australian-made complete nutritional supplements that offer immune support and can be used as a meal replacement.

The experts behind Frosty Boy Australia, who already ship products to 60 markets worldwide, have launched Wellboost™ to manufacture nutritional supplements with immunity support benefits. These are suitable for anyone who wants to boost their health and well-being but ideal for vulnerable groups such as remote or elderly communities.

Initial products include Wellboost™ Care Plus and Wellboost™ Immuno Plus, targeted towards the sectors of retail, such as chemists, aged and healthcare services, and QSR businesses, including healthfood cafes.

The food products will also be available for online sales direct to consumers, tapping into a $36.6 million wellbeing segment in Australia[1].

Wellboost™ CEO, Dirk Pretorius, said launching the range was a 12 month research and development process.

“Australian products are in demand and we can produce powder-based products, including supplements, as good as or better than what is currently in the market,” Mr. Pretorius said.

“R&D began 12 months ago, however, when COVID-19 arrived, we accelerated the process to get it ready for the market to help communities that may not have access to immunity support supplements.”

“COVID-19 was a massive shock to communities everywhere, changing the way we work, live and exercise. As society returns to normal, we are also expecting many to reconsider their health as a priority, and they may be looking for supplements to get back on track.”

Key ingredients in the range are Probiotics and Prebiotics, with 25 unique vitamins and minerals to deliver a nutritious meal replacement. These ingredients have been carefully selected as they are known to support a number of areas including muscle, bone, gut and immune health, all important to wellness. The Immuno Plus range also includes Lactoferrin, a protein which may assist with combatting viral infections.

Wellboost™ brand spokesperson and advisor, Kate Di Prima, a leading dietitian, said the product is a “nutritionally complete drink designed to boost general wellbeing”.

“It’s pleasing to see a product that has been developed with the community in mind – Wellboost™ has been made in Australia for Australians by a team of experts,” Ms. Di Prima said.

“A product like Wellboost™ may assist those who struggle to incorporate adequate nutrition into their diet from food alone, which may include the more vulnerable members of our community.”

“In working with the team at Wellboost™ I was particularly impressed by the Immuno Plus product which is unique to this market. The combination of Probiotics, Prebiotic Fibre and Lactoferrin is great for gut health. The health of the gut plays an important role to overall health and is becoming an area of greater research as people become more aware of how important nutrition is to overall wellness.”

“After such a challenging 2020 Wellboost™ will play an important role in supporting health within the community.”

Wellboost™ Care Plus is available in natural Vanilla and Chocolate flavours for mixing with water or low fat milk. It also comes in a ‘Neutral’ flavour, so it can be added to food. Wellboost™ Immuno Plus is available in Vanilla and Chocolate.

Stockists interested in adding Wellboost™ to their range are invited to contact

[1] Euromonitor International Report, Weight Management and Wellbeing in Australia Oct 2019
Image from Wellboost