Engineers Australia has welcomed the appointment of Melbourne-based mechanical engineer Geoff Hayes to the position Victoria Division President for 2014.

In a media release issued by Engineers Australia, Glenda Graham, the General Manager of the Victoria Division, said that Geoff’s primary focus will be to make Engineers Australia’s position known on a range of policy issues, especially with regards to the long-term plan and financial management of the state’s infrastructure.
“Engineers are critical to the success of many major policy debates and provide important advice to decision-makers who are transforming the economy. Based on his diverse engineering expertise and his experience as an elected councillor and Mayor of Boroondara (Kew, Camberwell & Hawthorn), Geoff is well positioned to lead informed debate around engineering in the lead up to the state election,“ Ms Graham said.
“Geoff will also work to back Engineers Australia’s stance calling for national registration of the engineering profession. Engineers Australia sees it as critical that engineers are registered to ensure engineering services are delivered by those who have appropriate qualifications and work experience to meet accepted international standards.”
She further commended his achievements across a variety of positions in a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, consulting and aerospace.
“Geoff is keenly aware of the important role engineers play in society and through his position as Victoria’s Division President he will proactively work to ensure their knowledge is included in important discussions that benefit all Victorians,” said Ms Graham.
Mr Hayes currently holds the position of Program Manager for Product Delivery & Support at BAE Systems, which includes the Nulka Project. Nulka is an anti-ship missile decoy invented in Australia and exported to the USA and Canada. He also served as an Engineering Officer with the Royal Australian Air Force and continues to serve as a Reserve Member.