ECU research on supply chain risks receives ARC grant

Image credit: Aleksandr Ivasenko/

Edith Cowan University has secured a $349,108 grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) for a research project that aims to help supply chain companies model and effectively manage uncertainties faced by their upstream suppliers. 

The grant was awarded through the ARC’s Linkage Projects scheme, which aims to foster national and international research collaborations between higher education institutions and other parts of the research innovation system. 

The collaborative project, titled “An Oriented Approach to Manage Dependent Supply Chain Risks,” involves ECU Associate Professor Ferry Jie and Associate Professor Omar Hussain from the University of New South Wales, Professor Daniel Prajogo from Monash University, and Dr Ripon Chakrabortty from the University of New South Wales. 

Industry partner Claude Abouchar from Prime X Connect is also set to contribute $100,000 in funding to support the research initiative. 

“In the current uncertain business environment, the project’s outcome will benefit service-based industries to have an enhanced understanding of their operating environment and take decisions accordingly to avoid failures. This will significantly increase the productivity of Australian service-based industries across different domains,” Professor Jie said. 

“The expected outcome is that it generates new knowledge by which risk managers of a focal company can conjointly consider risk identification/assessment with risk management analysis to develop explainable strategies for managing uncertainties,” said Jie.

The research project is expected to run over three years.