11 Australian businesses have received a total of nearly $5 million through the Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority Grants program to help them to grow Australia’s defence industry capability.
Victoria’s Infinite Engineering has been awarded $1,000,000 in grant funding to purchase capital equipment that will increase its scale of manufacturing capacity and capability. The same amount has been awarded to RUAG Australia, which will use the funding to modernise and automate critical equipment.
$710,000 have been awarded to Queensland-based Frontline Manufacturing, which will use the funding to purchase a specialised brake press for manufacturing metal plate used on armoured fighting vehicles, while Victoria’s Aero Spec Engineering has secured $400,000 to fund the purchase and installation of manufacturing equipment, building modifications, staff training and accreditation.
The remaining grant recipients include SRC Australia ($311,384), Cyborg Dynamics Engineering ($426,150), Jehbco Manufacturing ($123,654), The Smart Think Australia ($207,291), Aquaterro Advanced Product Supplies ($372,317), Simbiant ($278,475) and Rojone ($129,950).
Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price said the funding will help the aforementioned companies to build their capacity and resilience, which is then supporting Defence’s most critical capabilities.
“These successful grant recipients are being supported to deliver a number of quality projects that will enhance Australian defence industry’s sovereign capabilities, aligned with Defence’s Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities,” Minister Price said.
“Queensland-based Cyborg Dynamics Engineering is developing a robotic unmanned ground vehicle. Their grant funding will be used to fund the project’s design, materials, equipment and testing.”
“Another recipient, New South Wales-based company Rojone Pty Ltd, is establishing a fibre optic cable assembly capability, connecting vital systems to ensure ADF personnel have access to the information they require to perform their duties.”
Grant applications can be made at any time and can be submitted through the Centre for Defence Industry Capability website at: www.business.gov.au/cdic.