Dr Larry Marshall has been named the new Chief Executive of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), effective January 2015.

The appointment was announced yesterday by Chairman of the CSIRO Board, Simon McKeon, who commended Mr Marshall on his career achievements and backed him to succeed in his new role.
“Dr Marshall has an impeccable record as a scientist, a technology innovator and business leader. His wealth of experience in developing and applying science and technology makes him an excellent fit. The Chief Executive of CSIRO is probably the most important position in national science administration, so we conducted an extensive global search for an innovative scientist with strong business leadership qualities, and more than 70 candidates were considered,” Mr McKeon said in a press release.
“Dr Marshall combines commercial and scientific credentials with extensive global experience, making him the world class leader we were seeking for CSIRO. The Board is confident that Dr Marshall will lead CSIRO in a manner which ensures that it continues to provide advice of the highest quality to Government as well as provide best practice collaboration with the private sector.”
Mr McKeon also thanked current Chief Executive Dr Megan Clark for her leadership of CSIRO for the past six years.
“Dr Clark leaves CSIRO with a legacy to be proud of, most notably for her long term commitment to the global competitiveness of Australian science through the establishment of research precincts; and to major knowledge infrastructure projects such as the new research vessel,” Mr McKeon said.
Dr Marshall was educated at Macquarie University (Sydney) where he took a doctorate in physics. He began his career in the Defence Science and Technology Organisation and has 25 years of experience as an international technology entrepreneur, holding 20 patents protecting commercial products.
Find out more about Dr Larry Marshall: CSIRO’s new Chief Executive.