Media Release
The Australian chemistry sector welcomes the release of the Government’s Low Emissions Technology Statement as announced by the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, the Hon Angus Taylor MP, during his National Press Club address.
The Low Emissions Technology Statement provides an important focus for the development of future technologies that will enable Australia to reduce its own emissions and play our role in meeting global commitments.
Chemistry Australia CEO Samantha Read said the Government’s strategic focus on technology to deliver a range of emissions reductions solutions would enable Australia to fully leverage its highly skilled manufacturing and industrial base and abundant natural resources.
“The broad range of technology solutions identified in the Low Emissions Technology Statement are the natural home for chemistry,” said Ms Read.
“At Chemistry Australia, we look forward to the roadmap providing greater certainty for domestic manufacturing, which will play such an important role in delivering new low emissions technologies.”
Globally, the chemistry industry abates more than twice its CO2 emissions through the products and services it provides households and businesses.
Ms Read said the Australian chemistry industry is keen to continue its contribution to reducing global emissions through the development and application of new technologies within the sector and through the supply of energy-saving solutions to other industries.
These developments include:
Research and investment in hydrogen and other energy storage and distribution technologies;
Low emission ammonia production; and
Chemical recycling and waste-to-energy processes, which will play an increasingly important role in the transition to a circular economy.
“The chemistry industry is well-positioned to help Australia address these sustainability challenges,” said Ms Read.
“Our sector will continue to provide the inputs, products, technologies and processes, and – importantly – the people and skills needed to drive the future industries required to reduce emissions throughout the economy.”
Across the globe, the chemistry sector is investing in the research and development of new technologies to help address some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges.
Locally, Chemistry Australia and its members are working closely with a number of universities, ARC Centres and other research consortia to develop innovations that reduce emissions and increase the productivity and global competitiveness of Australian industry.
Ms Read said: “We look forward to working with governments, Australian industry and our partners in research and development to maximise the opportunities presented by the Low Emissions Technology Statement.”
Image credit: www.chemistryaustralia.org.au